In an age when most of our competitors are outsourcing your confidential documents to sub-contractors outside Europe, we’re delighted to announce that we’re significantly bolstering our in-house specialist financial typesetting capacity in London EC2. Already the largest in-house team of its kind in Europe, we welcome Steve Cooper and Neil White, who between them have over 60 years’ industry experience and join us as typesetting operator and night typesetting supervisor respectively.
In addition, we’ve invested over £100,000 in R&D and software upgrades to our secure typesetting platform (formerly 3B2, now known as Arbortext or APP) which, alongside our InDesign software, delivers even more capacity and flexibility. It means we can also now quickly convert to and from the latest version of Word – important as Microsoft no longer supports early versions – meaning greater conversion compatibility and, post-printing, Word exports our clients can use more easily.
Together, this investment in our platform and people means an unparalleled in-house financial service in London, ensuring confidentiality, speed and flexibility.
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