Despite equity market doldrums and wider macro-economic woes, 2023 still proved to be a great year for B&C.
We retained our ongoing #1 ranking in UK Main Market IPOs (as well as adding to our cumulative #1 ranking for MM and AIM from 2018-2023). We helped with some of the largest M&A projects of the year, as well as the largest European IPO by a significant margin - Hidroelectrica. Our digital team also rose to the challenge, working overtime on one of the highest-profile insolvencies of 2022-2023, while our iRoadshow and IPORO platforms added value to a number of highly prestigious global IPOs. Backing up these numbers, our Corporate Reporting team went from strength to strength, helping some of the UK & Europe's elite companies engage and inspire stakeholders.
Chat with us today if you'd like to find out more: hello@blackandcallow.com
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