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Victory Hill - Global Sustainable Energy Opportunities plc


VH GSEO – or Victory Hill Global Sustainable Energy Opportunities plc (now renamed Global Energy Infrastructure plc, with ticker ENRG) - is an investment company with a specialist mandate to support the global energy transition. It provides exposure to a globally and technologically diversified portfolio of sustainable energy infrastructure assets that support the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) and are essential for the global transition to net zero.

When Victory Hill Capital Advisers as investment manager planned to float the investment company in early 2021, it wanted to harness VHCA’s brand essentials but to create a new and distinctive look and feel for the GSEO.

Black&Callow was appointed to help develop and refine this approach, and created:

  • A ‘teaser’ brochure prior to the IPO, creating a distinctive colour pallet and typestyle; and
  • The Admission Prospectus, produced in accordance with Stock Exchange regulations

The company completed its IPO on February 2, 2021, listing on the Premium Segment of the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange and raising £242.6 million, representing the first UK publicly listed investment trust focused on global sustainable energy infrastructure.

Since its IPO, we’re now thrilled to help ENRG with Best Practice Corporate Reporting and the creation and production of key investor communications including

  • Annual and Interim Reports
  • Sustainability Reports
  • NAV Factsheets.

Protecting and helping the brand evolve have been at the forefront of the work we undertake for ENRG. If you’d like to find out how we can help you achieve brand success and a higher valuation at IPO, chat with us today: hello@blackandcallow.com

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